Ring my phone
Ring my phone

ring my phone

He will also call if he has been tricked into buying water instead of kilju.

ring my phone

Jokke, the local drunk, might call the player at 02:00, asking for a ride home.Livaloinen will call the player and requests a delivery of firewood to his house, the location will also be pinned on the map.Five different people will call once their septic tanks are full, the locations will be pinned on the map above the phone.It should be waited for the phone to ring at least twice. It is always possible to tell in advance when thunder is calling: If the phone rings only once, it shouldn't be answered. In case the player survives, neither the phone or the player will experience any ill effects and the gameplay can continue as usual. This has a 10% chance of killing the player, with heart attack listed as the cause of death. The player will be greeted with a brief flash of light along with a sound of electric discharge.

ring my phone

The phone can also cause an electric shock if one answers it during a thunderstorm.

Ring my phone